Getting Around
Thie website is being rewritten and is somewhat incomplete. Hopefully it will be up and running over the next few months (Dec 2022)
The Birth link has a listing of all the births I've found in Norfolk from the 1500s to the present (still incomplete). The Marriage and Burial lists are records mostly from Norfolk as well. You can search by pressing cntrl F on a PC and command F on a Mac, The Patrilineal and Matrilineal trees are an attempt to relate the various families of Spurgeons to each other. The 7 Generation chart is a PDF file that can be enlarged by clicking on the bottom or downloaded to view more easily. It is my family from the present to my 4th Gt-Grandparents.
When I began this journey it was not apparent how Spurgeons from different villages were related, if at all to each other. However, after a significant number of years of research it is more apparent that families that appeared to be unrelated are indeed from the same roots. For instance, my earliest ancestor (so far) was born in the Bracon Ash, Mulbarton area. Many of the individuals from Little Ellingham and Loddon and Norwich are cousins, somewhat distant, but nevertheless related. Despite there being records in Norfolk from the early 1500s,I am unable to prove any ancestors prior to 1700.
A beginning has been made at cross referencing individuals from one census to the next, this is an ongoing and difficult undertaking and may be abandoned since census data online has become more available. I have listed under My Family in the Census my relatives that appear in the census in England & Canada from 1841-1935.
The Flipbook is a rendering of my journey in Geneology which is always ongoing, but at present incomplete. I hope you find some of information useful in your searches.
The accuracy of the information is dependent on the quality of the transcriptions that exist.
If you find that we have a common ancestor, please contact me. (